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Trends in Geneva, Lausanne, Neuchâtel …
Your web directory in French-speaking Switzerland
Listing a site in a Swiss web directory can be useful. It’s important to choose a site that’s relevant to the area you want to promote. For example, if you want to promote a site that deals with travel, you should look for a site that has a lot of information about Switzerland. In addition, you should consider a site that has a good reputation.
Swiss Web Directory has evolved over the years. It is now a site that is constantly updated. It is a good source of sites for English speakers in Geneva. It’s also an important resource for webmasters in Romania. There are many sites available to help you find a site that suits your location.
There are several types of Swiss web directory to choose from. Firstly, there are a few sites that are free to use. This is useful for people who want to list a site in a directory for free. However, the best site is a directory with a good reputation. There are also other paid methods. These are a good way of promoting your site and gaining visibility.
Another good site to consider is e-annuaire. This is a directory that offers different advertising formats. For example, you can use a forum, a small billboard, SMS reminders and so on. Registration costs just CHF 35 per month. You can choose from several categories, and also add an image. The site accepts sites in German and French. It’s also easy to use. You can search by region or keywords.
Another free site to consider is Free Web Directory. This site is a directory that lists sites by points, as well as user sites. For sites in German or French, you can submit a 500-character description. You can also add your social media profiles. You can also order your site to be listed on a map.
Swiss Web Directory also lists sites by canton, which is useful if you’re looking for sites available in a certain region. You can also obtain information on local associations, products and services. You can also find a local guide for the area you’re interested in. The site also features a directory for the Vaud region.
You can also find a site specially designed for expatriates in Switzerland. For example, Glocals is a social network for people living in Geneva. It offers several services, such as guides, a forum, a small classifieds panel and a private sale. Glocals also accepts links to other Swiss cities, as well as sites with Swiss extensions.
For more information on Swiss web directories, you can consult the following sites. Some of them are well known. Others are not. It’s important to choose a site with relevant content, optimization and a good backlink profile.
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